Thursday, February 5, 2009

After A Loooooong Break

Back ya'll, well this place has been pretty dormant for awhile now. CNY holidays have been packed for most of us I guess, and this week has been hectic with stuff to do. But our class hours are still filled with fun things happening. Here are a few pics of what we "experienced" this week...

A lot of people brought these this week, personally I don't like the taste. They're called Fondle sticks in our class.

If you notice... Ken Zhi and Li Yon are squarting down on a chair, eating snacks while studying...

Most of us were still in the......festive mood.......

While a few of us were in a more.......weird mood..... (Ken Zhi and Li Yon)

I'd say that's about it for me, hope u guys will continue posting more stuff up here, and thanks to those who are visiting this site! Au revoir...

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