1) You can always change for the world, But the world can never change for you.
2) Among so many people you can choose to be, The one you looking at you in the mirror will be the best for you.
3) Life is not just about standing out from the crowd, But sometimes you also need to know how to fit in.
4) Never do things by force, but instead, listen to your HEART. Because a good thing to do, doesnt mean it's a right thing to do.
5) "I can be better, and i will be better; My aim is my target, And that is what i will get." Keep moving forward and chase your own dream!
6) Give yourself a pat on the shoulder everyday, Because the person you need to support most is yourself!
7) Everyone has this deepest fear, It is not when you have the most unsolvable troubles, But instead its when you are overpowerful and loose concious of who you are. Be sure of what you're doing, And do it right for there may not be a second chance.
8) Be someone that anyone will never forget.
9) Yesterday was a history, Tomorrow is a mystery, And today is a gift, Don't look back at yesterday; Look forward for tomorrow; And do your best for today.
10) Life is one of the most fragile things So appriciate it yo. Love yourself. =)