Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Retards Are Back & It's The End of The Term!

The retards are back. Sorry the blog hasn't been updated in a while. Homework has got the better of us.. By the way, good news!!!!!
Awesome ain't it. So after the holidays please collect the class T-shirt from Ken Zhi..
Also lets thank Ken Zhi for working so hard on the T-Shirt.. =D
Thank you to Hui En also for finding a T-Shirt maker.
& Natasha's dad for the crossword puzzle idea.
And my mum as well, for driving us all the way to Putra Heights to make the shirts and collect them!
Well here are some of the happenings of the last 2 1/2 weeks!
Nicholas gorging down a cinnamon bun.. Poor bun!
The back of the class t-shirt!
Our logo.
The front of the shirt..

Andrew.. Daydreaming about??
That retard under the table..

Ken Zhi & his baby (the class shirts)
The brothers. Li Yon & Ken Zhi.
The fierce, the retard, the thinker, the happy-go-lucky, the womanizer & the flirt..

Ken Zhi showing off his.. "Muscles" a.k.a Fats

Daniel & Andrew showing off some brotherly love.
The 3 musketeers.
Introducing our new teacher. Tr. Mellissa!
EG was so relaxed he decided to read UNDER the table!
More UNDER the table nonsense. =D Here are the Bedingfields. Nat & Dan.
Our spaceship.
3 blind mice on weed.
Jenn's speech stress. See how's she's talking to a divider?

Ken Zhi just can't seem to get his hands off Andrew..

Ken's, Jenn's & Nat's imitation of..............

Andrew aka Jason Mraz.
Daniel was THAT scared of Chemistry.
A little to close perhaps? The look on teacher's face says it all..

Nick, cheek scraping..
A crystal ball!
Teacher teaching us while eating. New IGCSE teaching technique.
And here we are staring at Nasi Lemak.. =O
Well here's all the updates for now. Hope you all enjoyed your week and have a great holiday.

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